Video Tutorial (4 mins)

- What is CloudBasic:
- Most common scenarios:
- Using CloudBasic:
- Prerequisites
- Limitations
- Supported MS SQL Server Versions
- Deployment Guide (PDF)
- Release Notes
- Get Started - Configure Multi-AZ or Multi-AR with Readable Replicas
- SQL Server to SQL Server Replication
- SQL Server to Redshift
- SQL Server to S3 Data Lake
- Monitor a Continuous Copy Relationship
- Promote RDS/SQL Server Read-Replica to Primary
- Terminate a Continuous Copy Relationship
- Logs and Errors
- Warnings
- How To Upgrade
- Updating your version
- CloudBasic advanced features:
- Working in AWS:
- RDS Assemblies Activation Test
- RDS/SQL Server User Management
- RDS/SQL Server Backup and restore from/to S3
- RDS/SQL Server Snapshot-Restore
- VPN/VPC - Replication over VPN/VPC
- Compare Instance Types (Features & Support Details)
- How To Extend the Default Data Storage
- Attach IAM Role to EC2 and Redshift Cluster
- Deployment guide:
- Additional topics:
API Documentation:
- Default API Configuration
- Instance Management:
- User Management:
- Replication Management:
- CreateReplication
- CreateAllReplication
- GetReplicationsList
- ReplicationStatus
- AlterReplication
- DeleteReplication
- StartReplicationService
- StopReplicationService
- AnalyzeReplication
- CreateRedshiftReplication
- AlterRedshiftReplication
- DeleteRedshiftReplication
- CreateS3Replication
- AlterS3Replication
- DeleteS3Replication
- GetLogs
- RebuildDbReplicaIndexes
- RebuildDbReplicaIndexesStatus
- ReseedTable
- ReseedTableStatus
- Multi-AZ HA Cluster Management:
- Lambda/node.js Example:
- Disaster Recovery & No-Downtime Migration Management
- Service Management:
SQL Server to S3 Data Lake SCD Types 1-2 data feed
If you choose the third option [SQL Server] to [S3 Data Lake] SCD Types 1-2 data feed, you will arrive at the following screen:
Populate the required fields for the Master / Source Database and the Staging Data Source, and proceed to the next screen:
Supported flat file formats are Parquet (allowing faster querying of S3 Data Lakes from products such as Amazon Athena) and CSV. Data lakes can be partitioned in different structures depending on what format is suitable for your reporting/querying product (i.e. Amazon Glue, SAS etc)