API Actions: GetLogs

API Actions: GetLogs

Call this API method to retrieve logs for any process. If running in a cluster configuration, executing the API call against either server will return the same results.

Request Syntax:


POST /api/GetLogs HTTP/1.1
Host: use.your.host.name:82
X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
Content-Type: application/xml
X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


POST /api/GetLogs HTTP/1.1
Host: use.your.host.name:82
X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74
	"Id": "998acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993"


Request Parameters

Parameter Description Required
Id Provide one of the following GUIDs depending on the type of logs you would like to retrieve:

  • ReplicationId - to retrieve seeding logs
  • CtPId (Change Tracking ProcessID)
    • for SQl-to-SQL replications will retrieve the change tracking logs
    • for SQL-to-Redshift or SQL-to-S3 will retrieve the SQl-to-Staging change tracking logs
  • RedshiftPId - to retrieve the export and upload to Redshift logs
  • S3PId - to retrieve the export and upload to S3 Data lake logs
Type: String
Default: None


Request Headers

This implementation uses only request headers that are common to all operations. For more information please see the section Common Request Headers


Response Syntax:


HTTP/1.1 200
status: 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        < ![CDATA[
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[START DB STRUCTURE]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Source SQL Server:SQL Server 2012-Web Edition (64-bit), DB Name:Voyager2, Retention Period:12 hour(s)
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Destination SQL Server:SQL Server 2016-Web Edition (64-bit), DB Name:Voyager2
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>START retrieving tables
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Listing tables to exclude
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[AddressState]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[AuditLog]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Temporal table is supported = False
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Listing tables to replicate
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Table 1 ->[_temp].[_newExternal] : rows=215
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Table 2 ->[_temp].[_OrderBy_DocumentationDate$] : rows=215
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Table 3 ->[_temp].[_V2HS] : rows=2096
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Table 4 ->[_temp].[_StatusChangeCombined] : rows=642
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Table 5 ->[_temp].[_Temp_ResidencyLearningPlan] : rows=187731
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>END retrieving tables=5
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Schema compare async process started. Logs will be reported at the end of the log trail if differences are found.
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>Listing tables to exclude
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[AddressState]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyQuestionDisplayDefinition]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyQuestionDisplayDefinitionValue]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyQuestionType]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyRapidValidationStatus]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyReviewFrequency]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyReviewHistory]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencySelfAssessment]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencySubGroup]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencySubGroupFacility]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyType]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyValidationLevel]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CompetencyVersion]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[ContractDataLink]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[CustomCalendarEventDepartment]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DefaultRolePermission]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DefaultRolePermissionPreUserUpdateValues]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DegreeType]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[Department]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DepartmentOutlierPeriod]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DepartmentShift]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DepartmentType]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[_v1].[dMapped]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DueDateChangeRationale]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DynamicTable]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DynamicTableColumn]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DynamicTableData]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[DynamicTableRow]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[EmployeeFunction]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[EmployeeStatus]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[dbo].[EmployeeStatusChange]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[_temp].[EmployeeStatusChangeStatusesBackup20171024]
12/22/2017 8:40:38 PM>>[_v1].[EmployeeStatusMapping]
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>[dbo].[WidgetUser]
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>[dbo].[WidgetUserTab]
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>[dbo].[WidgetUserWidgetFilter]
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>Change tracking batch limit:500000
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>Source Table Count=297, Destination Table Count=297, Source Change Tracking Tables=268, CBR Change Tracking Tables=297
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>Tables configured for change tracking:268
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>[END DB STRUCTURE]
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>All tables are in synch. No pending changes in source database.
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>PROCESS HAS ENDED WITH STATUS=Success
12/22/2017 8:40:39 PM>>END


HTTP/1.1 200
status: 200

	"id" :"998acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993",
	"type": "SqlToSqlSeeding",
	"logs": "Running"


Response Parameters

Parameter Description Optional
Id The requested GUID value. No
Type The type of logs being retrieved. Possible values include:

  • SqlToSqlSeeding
  • SqlToSqlChangeTracking
  • SqlToStagingRedshiftSeeding
  • SqlToStagingChangeTrackingRedshift
  • SqlToRedshiftExport
  • SqlToStagingS3Seeding
  • SqlToStagingChangeTrackingS3
  • SqlToS3Export

Logs Actual format will vary depending on the type of logs being retrieved. Yes


Error Response Syntax:


HTTP/1.1 400
status: 400
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<Error> Replication not found </Error> 


HTTP/1.1 400
status: 400

   "errors": [
        "Replication not found"
	"requestId": 21