API Actions: ReplicationStatus
Request Syntax:
POST /api/ReplicationStatus HTTP/1.1 Host: use.your.host.name:82 X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Content-Type: application/xml X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ReplicationStatusRequest> <ReplicationId>998acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993</ReplicationId> </ReplicationStatusRequest>
POST /api/ReplicationStatus HTTP/1.1 Host: use.your.host.name:82 X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Content-Type: application/json X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74 { "replicationId": "998acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993" }
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
ReplicationID | It is the GUID of the Replication. | Yes |
Type: String Default: None |
Request Headers
This implementation uses only request headers that are common to all operations. For more information please see the section Common Request Headers
Response Syntax:
Response for replications created with <ReplicationMethod>ContinousWithAutoSeeding</ReplicationMethod> & <ReplicationMethod>ContinousWithSemiAutoSeeding</ReplicationMethod>
HTTP/1.1 200 status: 200 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < ReplicationStatusResponse> <ReplicationId>998acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993</ReplicationId> <RequestTimestamp>Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:00:17 AM</RequestTimestamp> <SeedingStatus>Success</SeedingStatus> <SeedingClusterLocation>Remote</SeedingClusterLocation> <IsDataReplicationOn>true</IsDataReplicationOn> <IsSchemaReplicationOn>true</IsSchemaReplicationOn> <RunningCtPid>798acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993</RunningPiId> <RunningCtStatus>Running</RunningCtStatus> <RunningCtStartTime>Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:00:17 AM</RunningCtStartTime /> <RunningCtClusterLocation>Remote<RunningCtClusterLocation> <LastCtPId>898acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993</LastCtId> <LastCtStatus>CompletedWithErrors</LastCtStatus> <!-- ?? <LastCtStartTime>Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:00:17 AM</LastCtStartTime> <LastCtEndTime>Thursday, November 30, 2017 1:39:29 AM</LastCtEndTime> <TimeSinceLastCtEndTimeInSeconds>121</TimeSinceLastCtEndTimeInSeconds> <!-- 12.211 and above -- time in seconds since the process with ID reported in LastCtPId ended (status can be Failed, Success, CompletedWithErrors, CompletedWithWarnings ) --> <TimeSinceLastSuccessfulCtEndTimeInSeconds>121</TimeSinceLastSuccessfulCtEndTimeInSeconds> <!-- 12.211 and above -- time in seconds since the last process with status in (Success, CompletedWithErrors, CompletedWithWarnings ) ended --> <LastCtClusterLocation>Remote<LastCtClusterLocation> <RunningRedshiftPid>998acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993</RunningRedshfitPid <RunningRedshiftStatus>Running</RunningRedshiftStatus> <RunningRedshiftStartTime>Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:00:17 AM</RunningRedshiftStartTime> <RunningRedshiftClusterLocation>Remote<RunningRedshiftClusterLocation> <LastRedshiftPid>998acaec-9211-4dac-b90b-196fd1d17993</LastRedshiftPid> <LastRedshiftStatus>Running</LastRedshiftStatus> <LastRedshiftStartTime>Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:00:17 AM</LastRedshiftStartTime> <LastRedshiftEndTime>Wednesday, November 29, 2017 1:39:28 AM</LastRedshiftEndTime> <LastRedshiftClusterLocation>Remote<LastRedshiftClusterLocation> <RunningS3Pid>Null</RunningS3Pid> <RunningS3Status>Null</RunningS3Status> <RunningS3StartTime>Null</RunningS3StartTime> <RunningS3ClusterLocation>Remote<RunningS3ClusterLocation> <LastS3Pid>Null</LastS3Pid> <LastS3Status>Null</LastS3Status <LastS3StartTime>Null</LastS3StartTime> <LastS3EndTime>Null</LastS3EndTime> <LastS3ClusterLocation>Remote<LastS3ClusterLocation> </ ReplicationStatusResponse>
HTTP/1.1 200 status: 200 { "replicationId": 594ed5c8-e0aa-4fd0-987f-fcfd2aaf1763, "requestTimestamp": "Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:33:04 AM", "seedingStatus": "Success", "seedingClusterLocation": "Remote", "isDataReplicationOn": false, "isSchemaReplicationOn": false, "runningCtPid": null, "runningCtStatus": null, "runningCtStartTime": null, "runningCtClusterLocation": "Remote", "lastCtPid": "594ed5c8-e0aa-4fd0-987f-fcfd2aaf1764", "lastCtStatus": "Success", "lastCtStartTime": "Monday, November 13, 2017 10:15:27 PM", "lastCtEndTime": "Monday, November 13, 2017 10:15:27 PM", "timeSinceLastCtEndTimeInSeconds": "1.2" -- 12.211 and above -- time in seconds since the process with ID reported in LastCtPId ended (status can be Failed, Success, CompletedWithErrors, CompletedWithWarnings ) "timeSinceLastSuccessfulCtEndTimeInSeconds": "1.3" -- 12.211 and above -- time in seconds since the last process with status in (Success, CompletedWithErrors, CompletedWithWarnings ) ended "lastCtClusterLocation": "Remote", "runningRedshiftPid": null, "runningRedshiftStatus": null, "runningRedshiftStartTime": null, "runningRedshiftClusterLocation": "Remote", "lastRedshiftPid": null, "lastRedshiftStatus": null, "lastRedshiftStartTime": null, "lastRedshiftEndTime": null, "lastRedshiftClusterLocation": "Remote", "runningS3Pid": null, "runningS3Status": null, "runningS3StartTime": null, "runningS3ClusterLocation": "Remote", "lastS3Pid": null, "lastS3Status": null, "lastS3StartTime": null, "lastS3EndTime": null "lastS3ClusterLocation": "Remote", }
Response Parameters
Parameter | Description | Optional |
ReplicationID | It is a GUID that uniquely identifies every Replication. | No |
RequestTimestamp | The Date and Time when the request was submitted. | No |
SeedingStatus | The current status of the initial seeding process. Possible options include:
No |
SeedingClusterLocation | Indicates whether the seeding process is running (or ran) on this server or on the remote cluster server. This tag is returned only if this server is clustered.
Note: Possible values are:
No |
IsDataReplicationOn * | If DataReplication is turned off via an AlterReplication API method call, the value would be false. | Yes |
IsSchemaReplicationOn * | If SchemaReplication is turned off via an AlterReplication API method call, the value would be false. | Yes |
RunningCtPid * ~ | It is the GUID that contains the Process ID of the currently executing Change Tracking (Ct) process. | Yes |
RunningCtStatus * ~ | Contains the status of the currently executing Change Tracking (Ct) process. Possible values include:
RunningCtStartTime * ~ | Contains the start date and time of the currently executing Change Tracking (Ct) process. | Yes |
RunningCtClusterLocation * ~ | Indicates whether the Ct Process is running on this server or on the remote cluster server. This tag is returned only if this server is clustered. Possible values are:
Yes |
LastCtPId * | It is the GUID that contains the Process ID of the last executed Change Tracking (Ct) process. | No |
LastCtStatus * | Contains the status of the last executed Change Tracking (Ct) process. Possible values include:
No |
LastCtStartTime * # | Contains the start date and time of the last executed Change Tracking (Ct) process. | No |
LastCtEndTime * # | Contains the end date and time of the last executed Change Tracking (Ct) process. | No |
TimeSinceLastCtEndTimeInSeconds * # (12.211 and above) |
Time in seconds since the process with ID reported in LastCtPId ended (status can be Failed, Success, CompletedWithErrors, CompletedWithWarnings ) | No |
TimeSinceLastSuccessfulCtEndTimeInSeconds * # (12.211 and above) |
Time in seconds since the last process with status in (Success, CompletedWithErrors, CompletedWithWarnings ) ended | No |
LastCtClusterLocation * # | Indicates whether the Ct Process ran on this server or on the remote cluster server. This tag is returned only if this server is clustered. Possible values are:
No |
RunningRedshiftPid * % | It is the GUID that contains the Process ID of the currently executing Redshift export/ upload process. | Yes |
RunningRedshiftStatus * % | Contains the status if the currently executing Redshift export/upload process. Possible values include:
Yes |
RunningRedshiftStartTime * % | Contains the start date and time of the currently executing Redshift export/ upload process. | Yes |
RunningRedshiftClusterLocation * % | Indicates whether the Process is running on this server or on the remote cluster server. This tag is returned only if this server is clustered. Possible values are:
No |
LastRedshiftPid * % | It is the GUID that contains the Process ID of the last executed Redshift export/ upload process. | Yes |
LastRedshiftStatus * % | Contains the status if the last executed Redshift export/upload process. Possible values include:
Yes |
LastRedshiftStartTime * % | Contains the start date and time of the last executed Redshift export/ upload process. | Yes |
LastRedshiftEndTime * % | Contains the end date and time of the last executed Redshift export/ upload process. | Yes |
LastRedshiftClusterLocation * % | Indicates whether the Process ran on this server or on the remote cluster server. This tag is returned only if this server is clustered. Possible values are:
No |
RunningS3Pid * % | It is the GUID that contains the Process ID of the currently executing S3 export/ upload process. | Yes |
RunningS3Status * % | Contains the status if the currently executing S3 export/upload process. Possible values include:
Yes |
RunningS3StartTime * % | Contains the start date and time of the currently executing S3 export/upload process. | Yes |
RunningS3ClusterLocation * % | Indicates whether the Process is running on this server or on the remote cluster server. This tag is returned only if this server is clustered. Possible values are:
No |
LastS3Pid * % | It is the GUID that contains the Process ID of the last executed S3 export/ upload process. | Yes |
LastS3Status * % | Contains the status if the last executed S3 export/upload process. Possible values include:
Yes |
LastS3StartTime * % | Contains the start date and time of the last executed S3 export/ upload process. | Yes |
LastS3EndTime * % | Contains the end date and time of the last executed S3 export/ upload process. | Yes |
LastS3ClusterLocation * % | Indicates whether the Process ran on this server or on the remote cluster server. This tag is returned only if this server is clustered. Possible values are:
No |
* - These fields are included in the response only if all of the following conditions are met:
- the initial seeding is complete
- the initial seeding status is not “Failed”
- the Replication Mode is not OneTimeWithAutoSeeding
~ - These fields are populated only when there is a running Change Tracking (Ct) process at the time the response is generated
# - These fields can be used to monitor the replication latency
% - These fields are populated only when replicating to Redshift
Response Example – ReplicationStatus #1
A sample response to a request with <ReplicationMethod>ContinousWithSemiAutoSeeding</ReplicationMethod>
HTTP/1.1 200 status: 200 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < ReplicationStatusResponse> <ReplicationId>594ed5c8-e0aa-4fd0-987f-fcfd2aaf1763</ReplicationId> <RequestTimestamp>Monday, December 4, 2017 10:34:45 PM</RequestTimestamp> <SeedingStatus>AwaitingBackupRestore</SeedingStatus> <SeedingClusterLocation>Remote</SeedingClusterLocation> <IsDataReplicationOn>false</IsDataReplicationOn> <IsSchemaReplicationOn>true</IsSchemaReplicationOn> </ ReplicationStatusResponse>
Response Example – ReplicationStatus #2
A sample response to a request with <ReplicationMethod>OneTimeWithAutoSeeding</ReplicationMethod>
HTTP/1.1 200 status: 200 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < ReplicationStatusResponse> <ReplicationId>594ed5c8-e0aa-4fd0-987f-fcfd2aaf1763</ReplicationId> <RequestTimestamp>Monday, December 4, 2017 10:41:36 PM</RequestTimestamp> <SeedingStatus>Success </SeedingStatus> <SeedingClusterLocation>Remote</SeedingClusterLocation> </ ReplicationStatusResponse>
Error Response Syntax:
HTTP/1.1 400 status: 400 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ErrorResponse> <RequestId>request-id</RequestId> <Errors> <Error> <Message>Error message 1</Message> </Error> <Error> <Message>Error message 2</Message> </Error> </Errors> </ErrorResponse>
HTTP/1.1 400 status: 400 { "errors": [ "{ReplicationId}:Invalid value for ReplicationId" ], "requestId": 21 }