API Actions: CreateRedshiftReplication
Request Syntax for AccessType=AccessKeys:
POST /api/CreateRedshiftReplication HTTP/1.1 Host: use.your.host.name:82 X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Content-Type: application/xml X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74 <CreateRedshiftReplicationRequest> <ParallelTablesLimit>5</ParallelTablesLimit> <RebuildIndexes>false</RebuildIndexes> <Source> <ConnectionString>Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=1280</ConnectionString> <EncryptDataInTransit>true</EncryptDataInTransit> <ChangeTrackingRetentionPeriod>2 DAYS</ChangeTrackingRetentionPeriod> </Source> <Staging> <ConnectionString>Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=1280</ConnectionString> <EncryptDataInTransit>true</EncryptDataInTransit> <ReplicateCompatibilityLevel>true</ReplicateCompatibilityLevel>\ </Staging> <Redshift> <AccessType>AccessKey</AccessType> <AccessKey>AKIAIK5IR2D555AV4RFA</AccessKey> <SecretKey>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</SecretKey> <BucketName>cbr-test</BucketName> <BucketFolderName>/SCD/11232017/TestDBAll_1</BucketFolderName> <RegionEndpoint>us-east-1</RegionEndpoint> <RetentionDays>5</RetentionDays> <Url>your-url</Url> <DatabaseSchema>test1</DatabaseSchema> <DatabaseName>TestDBAll_3</DatabaseName> <Username>user-name</Username> <Password>********</Password> <ScdType>Type1</ScdType> </Redshift> <AddUpdateTimestamp>false</AddUpdateTimestamp> <TablesToInclude>[dbo].[Departments],[dbo].[Managers],[dbo].[Employees]</TablesToInclude> <ReseedingSchedule> <NoPkTablesToInclude>[dbo].[NoPkTable1], [dbo].[NoPkTable2]</NoPkTablesToInclude> <PkTablesToInclude>[dbo].[PkTable1], [dbo].[PkTable2]</PkTablesToInclude> <FromTime>12:00:00 AM</FromTime> <ToTime>11:59:59 PM</ToTime> <RepeatIntervalInMinutes>120</RepeatIntervalInMinutes> </ReseedingSchedule> </CreateRedshiftReplicationRequest>
POST /api/CreateRedshiftReplication HTTP/1.1 Host: use.your.host.name:82 X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Content-Type: application/json X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74 { "parallelTablesLimit": 5, "rebuildIndexes": false, "source": { "connectionString": "Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=1280", "encryptDataInTransit": true, "changeTrackingRetentionPeriod": "2 DAYS", "resetChangeTracking": false }, "staging": { "connectionString": "Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=12800", "encryptDataInTransit": true, "replicateCompatibilityLevel": true }, "redshift": { "accessType": "AccessKey", "accessKey": "AKIAIK5IR2D555AV4RFA", "secretKey": "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", "bucketName": "cbr-test", "bucketFolderName": "/SCD/11232017/TestDBAll_1", "regionEndpoint": "us-east-1", "retentionDays": 5, "url": "your-url", "databaseSchema": "test1", "databaseName": "TestDBAll_3", "username": "your-user-name", "password": "******", "scdType": "Type1" }, "addUpdateTimestamp": false, "tablesToInclude": "[dbo].[Departments],[dbo].[Managers],[dbo].[Employees]", "reseedingSchedule": { "noPkTablesToInclude": "[dbo].[NoPkTable1], [dbo].[NoPkTable2]", "pkTablesToInclude": "[dbo].[PkTable1], [dbo].[PkTable2]", "fromTime": "12:00:00 AM", "toTime": "11:59:59 PM", "repeatIntervalInMinutes": "120" } }
Request Syntax for AccessType=IAMRole:
POST /api/CreateRedshiftReplication HTTP/1.1 Host: use.your.host.name:82 X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Content-Type: application/xml X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74 <CreateRedshiftReplicationRequest> <ParallelTablesLimit>5</ParallelTablesLimit> <RebuildIndexes>false</RebuildIndexes> <Source> <ConnectionString>Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=1280</ConnectionString> <EncryptDataInTransit>true</EncryptDataInTransit> <ChangeTrackingRetentionPeriod>2 DAYS</ChangeTrackingRetentionPeriod> </Source> <Staging> <ConnectionString>Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=12800</ConnectionString> <EncryptDataInTransit>true</EncryptDataInTransit> <ReplicateCompatibilityLevel>true</ReplicateCompatibilityLevel> </Staging> <Redshift> <AccessType>IAMRole</AccessType> <AccountId>AKIAIK5IR2D555AV4RFA</AccountId> <RoleName>XrMEaWGywbZtPbtWm1TBmwUxkV5Ovm6tJEsuy+4X</RoleName> <BucketName>cbr-test</BucketName> <BucketFolderName>/SCD/11232017/TestDBAll_1</BucketFolderName> <RegionEndpoint>us-east-1</RegionEndpoint> <RetentionDays>5</RetentionDays> <Url>your-url</Url> <DatabaseSchema>test1</DatabaseSchema> <DatabaseName>TestDBAll_3</DatabaseName> <Username>your-user-name</Username> <Password>********</Password> <ScdType>Type1</ScdType> </Redshift> <AddUpdateTimestamp>false</AddUpdateTimestamp> <TablesToInclude>[dbo].[Departments],[dbo].[Managers],[dbo].[Employees]</TablesToInclude> <ReseedingSchedule> <NoPkTablesToInclude>[dbo].[NoPkTable1], [dbo].[NoPkTable2]</NoPkTablesToInclude> <PkTablesToInclude>[dbo].[PkTable1], [dbo].[PkTable2]</PkTablesToInclude> <FromTime>12:00:00 AM</FromTime> <ToTime>11:59:59 PM</ToTime> <RepeatIntervalInMinutes>120</RepeatIntervalInMinutes> </ReseedingSchedule> </CreateRedshiftReplicationRequest>
POST /api/CreateRedshiftReplication HTTP/1.1 Host: use.your.host.name:82 X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Content-Type: application/json X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74 { "parallelTablesLimit": 5, "rebuildIndexes": false, "source": { "connectionString": "Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=1280", "encryptDataInTransit": true, "changeTrackingRetentionPeriod": "2 DAYS", "resetChangeTracking": false }, "staging": { "connectionString": "Data Source=your-source-db-server;Initial Catalog=your-source-db;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user-name;Password=******;Connect Timeout=12800", "encryptDataInTransit": true, "replicateCompatibilityLevel": true }, "redshift": { "accessType": "IAMRole", "accountId": "AKIAIK5IR2D555AV4RFA", "roleName": "XrMEaWGywbZtPbtWm1TBmwUxkV5Ovm6tJEsuy+4X", "bucketName": "cbr-test", "bucketFolderName": "/SCD/11232017/TestDBAll_1", "regionEndpoint": "us-east-1", "retentionDays": 5, "url": "your-url", "databaseSchema": "test1", "databaseName": "TestDBAll_3", "username": "your-user-name", "password": "******", "scdType": "Type1" }, "addUpdateTimestamp": false, "tablesToInclude": "[dbo].[Departments],[dbo].[Managers],[dbo].[Employees]", "reseedingSchedule": { "noPkTablesToInclude": "[dbo].[NoPkTable1], [dbo].[NoPkTable2]", "pkTablesToInclude": "[dbo].[PkTable1], [dbo].[PkTable2]", "fromTime": "12:00:00 AM", "toTime": "11:59:59 PM", "repeatIntervalInMinutes": "120" } }
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required | |||
ParallelTablesLimit | Indicates the maximum number of parallel table replications at any given moment. Instances with insufficient performance can get saturated if a large number of parallel table replications is requested. Note: Higher value will decrease the total time to complete the seeding, but might affect the performance of the source RDS/SQL Server depending on server type and size. For AWS RDS, value of 10 is recommended for RDS type *.Large or below. |
Yes | |||
Type: Integer Default: None |
RebuildIndexes | Indicates whether the indexes should be rebuilt in the destination database instance. Note: Rebuilding of indexes upon completion of seeding might be necessary when deadlocks occur in the destination database. |
Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid value: true/ false |
Source | |||||
ConnectionString | A valid connection string to the source database instance. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
EncryptDataInTransit | Indicates whether data in transit should be encrypted. Note: TLS 1.2 is activated for SQL Server 2016 and prior versions that have been updated to support TLS 1.2. TLS 1.1, 1.0 or SSL are activated if the SQL Server version does not support TLS 1.2 |
Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid value: true/ false |
ChangeTrackingRetentionPeriod | Specifies the period that Change Tracking data is saved for before being automatically purged. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid values: 12 Hours, 1 Day, 2 Days, 3 Days, 4 Days, 5 Days, 6, Days, 7 Days, 8 Days |
Staging | |||||
ConnectionString | A valid connection string to the source database instance. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
EncryptDataInTransit | Indicates whether data in transit should be encrypted. Note: TLS 1.2 is activated for SQL Server 2016 and prior versions that have been updated to support TLS 1.2. TLS 1.1, 1.0 or SSL are activated if the SQL Server version does not support TLS 1.2 |
Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid value: true/ false |
ReplicateCompatibilityLevel | Replicate the compatibility level of the source database. Note: Valid values for SQL Server 2014 are 100, 110 and 120. Valid values for SQL Server 2016 are 100, 110, 120 & 130. |
Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid value: true/ false |
Redshift | |||||
AccessType | The type of access can be either AccessKey or IAMRole. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid value: AccessKey/ IAMRole |
AccessKey | When the AccessType is set to AccessKey this field must contain the AWS AccessKey that the CloudBasic process will use to write to the specified S3 bucket. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
SecretKey | When the AccessType is set to AccessKey this field must contain the AWS SecretKey that the CloudBasic process will use to write to the specified S3 bucket. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
AccountId | When the AccessType is set to IAMRole this field must contain the AWS AccountID that the CloudBasic process will use to write to the specified S3 bucket. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
RoleName | When the AccessType is set to IAMRole this field must contain the AWS RoleName that the CloudBasic process will use to write to the specified S3 bucket. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
BucketName | The AWS S3 bucket name that the CloudBasic process will write to. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
BucketFolderName | The folder in the AWS S3 bucket where the CloudBasic process will write. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
RegionEndpoint | The name of the AWS Region where the S3 bucket is located. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
RetentionDays | Number of the change tracking files will be kept for before the CloudBasic process deletes them. | Yes | |||
Type: Integer Default: None |
Url | The AWS Redshift cluster end point. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
DatabaseSchema | The Schema name of the Redshift database where data should be loaded. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
DatabaseName | The Redshift database name where data should be loaded. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
Username | The username that the CloudBasic service will use when connecting to the AWS Redshift service. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
Password | The password that the CloudBasic service will use when connecting to the AWS Redshift service. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
ScdType | The Slowly Changing Dimension Type that this replication is implementing. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid value: Type1/ Type2 |
AddUpdateTimestamp | Indicates whether to add a field named [cb_sys_update_timestamp] to each destination/replica table. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None Valid value: true/ false |
TablesToInclude | A list of tables that have no Primary Keys in the source database but have to be replicated in the destination database. Pass 'All' to include all tables <tablestoinclude>All</tablestoinclude>. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
ReseedingSchedule | Tables with No Primary Keys Reseeding Schedule List. Note: Tables with No Primary Keys (PKs) will be seeded during replication but will not be tracked for changes. If adding PKs is not an option, you can include those tables in the reseeding schedule job for reseeding. See http://GetStarted.cloudbasic.net for more information. |
NoPkTablesToInclude | Any table without a Primary Key (No PK), regardless of whether it is excluded in <tablestoinclude> list or not, can be included here. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
PkTablesToInclude | Only tables with Primary Keys (Pk) NOT included in the <tablestoinclude> list can be included here. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
FromTime | Starting time of the period when the reseeding process is allowed to run. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
ToTime | Ending time of the period when the reseeding process is allowed to run. | Yes | |||
Type: String Default: None |
RepeatIntervalInMinutes | Specifies the frequency of execution of the reseeding process in minutes. | Yes | |||
Type: Integer Default: None |
Request Headers
This implementation uses only request headers that are common to all operations. For more information please see the section Common Request Headers
Response Syntax:
HTTP/1.1 200 status: 200 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CreateRedshiftReplicationResponse> <ReplicationId>594ed5c8-e0aa-4fd0-987f-fcfd2aaf1763</ReplicationId> <Status>Running</Status> <Note /> </CreateRedshiftReplicationResponse>
HTTP/1.1 200 status: 200 { "replicationId": "594ed5c8-e0aa-4fd0-987f-fcfd2aaf1763", "status": "Running", "note": "" }
Response Parameters
Parameter | Description | Optional |
ReplicationId | A GUID that uniquely identifies the newly created Replication. | No |
Status |
The current status of the Replication process. Possible values include:
No |
Note | For security reasons random passwords are assigned to any replicated logins and users. Passwords need to be manually reset on the replica SQL Server after the initial database replication seeding completes. Password changes are also not automatically replicated as part of the schema replication process. | Yes |
Error Response Syntax:
HTTP/1.1 400 status: 400 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ErrorResponse> <RequestId>request-id</RequestId> <Errors> <Error> <Message>Error message 1</Message> </Error> <Error> <Message>Error message 2</Message> </Error> </Errors> </ErrorResponse>
HTTP/1.1 400 status: 400 { "errors": [ "{Redshift\BucketName}: Invalid value for BucketName" ], "requestId": 20 }