API Actions: AlterConfiguration

API Actions: AlterConfiguration

Supported in product version 12.37 and above

This call allows modification of system wide parameters of the CloudBasix service. All Replications will be affected.

Request Syntax:


POST /api/AlterConfiguration HTTP/1.1
Host: use.your.host.name:82
X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
Content-Type: application/json
X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74
	"replicationSettings": {
		"serializeReplications": "true",
		"serializeCtIfSeedingInProgress": "true",
		"autoActivateSerializeMode": "true",
		"parallelDatabaseReplicationsLimit": "5"
	"generalSettings": {
		"runtimeLogRetention": "error@cloudbasic.net",
		"eventLogRetention": "1",
		"isEnablePerformanceMonitoring": "true",
		"isRunBackgroundAnalyze": "true",
		"isEnableLatencyLogs": "true",
		"sslCertInfo": "mycert",
		"monitorLatency": "true",
		"monitorLatencyAlertInMins": "60",
		"monitorLatencyNoAlertWithinPeriodInMins": "60"
	"notificationSettings": {
		"errorEmail": "error@cloudbasic.net",
		"sendErrorsOnlyIgnoreWarnings": "true",
		"sendRepetitiveNotificationsInMins": "2",
		"isErrorEmailFilters": "true",
		"doNotApplyFilterIfCurrentProcessFailed": "true",
		"doNotApplyFilterIfPreviousProcessFailed": "false",
		"errorNotificationFilters": "test1|test2",
		"alertingMethod": "Batched",
		"alertsAggregationPeriodInSecs": "10",
		"alertsExpirationInMins": "10"		
	"smtpMailServerSettings": {
		"authenticationType": "Login",
		"sesRegionEndpoint": "us-east-1",
		"server": "server.cloudbasic.net",
		"port": "25",
		"username": "user1@cloudbasic.net",
		"password": "test",
		"enableSsl": "false",
		"emailFrom": "from@cloudbasic.net"
	"supportSettings": {
		"sendErrorLogsToSupport": "true",
		"sendDatabaseSchemaToSupport": "false",
		"sendEventLogsToSupport": "true",
		"AgreeToTerms": false,
		"logDeliveryMethod": "Email"


POST /api/AlterConfiguration HTTP/1.1
Host: use.your.host.name:82
X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
Content-Type: application/xml
X-Amz-Date: 20171115T202130Z
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential= UQOPWUVNBALABCABCABC/20171115/us-east-1/cloudbasic/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=995374189c189e8e68ed3de82c1764ca11971711fb5179eeab2b19edd883dd74
        <SslCertInfo>HA cluster SSL certificate expires on 10/1/2020</SslCertInfo>
        <ErrorNotificationFilters>transport-level error|connection was forcibly closed</ErrorNotificationFilters>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Required
SerializeReplications When populated, this attribute will turn on or off the serialization of replications. No
Type: String
Default: None
Valid value: true/ false
SerializeCtIfSeedingInProgress When populated, this attribute will turn on or off the automatic serialization of change tracking replication processes. This is part of the new replication initialization sequence and will happen while the initial seeding is in progress. No
Type: String
Default: None
Valid value: true/ false
AutoActivateSerializeMode When populated, this attribute will turn on or off the temporary serialization of change tracking replication processes during server restart. This is done to prevent server overload in scenarios where a large number of database replications are configured and expected to start. No
Type: String
Default: None
Valid value: true/ false
ParallelDatabaseReplicationsLimit Populate this tag only when altering the maximum number of change tracking replication processes handled concurrently. The default value will vary depending on EC2 instance type and size. No
Type: Integer
Default: None
RuntimeLogRetention This value specifies the number of days the runtime logs are retained for. Yes
Type: Integer
Default: 7
EventLogRetention This value specifies the number of days the event logs are retained for. Yes
Type: Integer
Default: 30
IsEnablePerformanceMonitoring When set to true, CPU & RAM utilization will be monitored and if over-utilization is detected for a prolonged period of time, an alert will be generated. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
IsRunBackgroundAnalyze When set to true, the system will perform hourly analysis of database replications (see the AnalyzeReport API method for more detail). The analysis results are logged in the Event log. Details will include information about any discrepancies and the tables where those were detected. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
IsEnableLatencyLogs When enabled, latency information will be collected for each change tracking process execution. The results will be logged in the Event log and can be reviewed in the User Interface under Event Logs. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
SslCertInfo Information about installed HA Cluster, API, UI related SSL certificates can be stored in this field for future reference. Yes
Type: String
Default: None
MonitorLatency When enabled, latency will be monitored and notifications will be sent when it exceeds the specified parameters. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
MonitorLatencyAlertInMins Specifies the latency threshold, in minutes, that when exceeded will trigger the sending of notifications. Yes
Type: Integer
Default: None
MonitorLatencyNoAlertWithinPeriodInMins Specifies the period of time, in minutes, the system will wait before sending additional notifications for the same latency trigger. Yes
Type: Integer
Default: None
NotificationSettings This section contains configuration parameters of the alerting system.
ErrorEmail The email address where alerts and errors should be sent. Yes
Type: String
Default: None
SendErrorsOnlyIgnoreWarnings By default only errors are sent. Set this value to true to enable warning messages (i.e. "Connection timed out, recovered on second try") to be sent as well. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
SendRepetitiveNotificationsInMins Specifies the interval at which repetitive notification are to be sent (default is 60 minutes which means i.e. "Notify me about failing SQL Server connection once every 60 minutes"). Yes
Type: Integer
Default: 60
IsErrorEmailFilters By default alert and email content filtering is disabled. Set this value to true to enable alert and email filtering based the criteria specified in next 3 tags. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
DoNotApplyFilterIfCurrentProcessFailed Setting this attribute to true will cause the system to ignore the content filtering patterns specified in ErrorNotificationFilters if the current replication process fails. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
DoNotApplyFilterIfPreviousProcessFailed Setting this attribute to true will cause the system to ignore the content filtering patterns specified in ErrorNotificationFilters if the last replication process failed. Yes
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
ErrorNotificationFilters A list of criteria filters. Each filter value is separated be | ( a single "pipe" character). Yes
Type: String
Default: None
  • Real-Time - The system will send error/warning messages as they occur. If an alert emailing fails, it will not be retried. This method is not recommended when a long list of databases is replicated, as this will lead to extensive number of alerts being generated in cases when certain intermittent network events (such as degradation of connectivity) affect all connections.
  • Batched - Multiple error/warning messages will be aggregated across replications (sending delayed according to the specified settings) and sent in a single alert. If an aggregated alert emailing fails, it will be retried with an updated aggregated list of unexpired error/warning messages (according to the specified message expiration setting).
Type: String
Default: Batched
Valid value: Batched/ Real-Time
AlertsAggregationPeriodInSecs The period of time to wait before sending another alert with aggregated error/warning messages. Yes
Type: Integer
Default: None
AlertsExpirationInMins The period of time after an unsent message (a message which fails to be delivered due to a failed attempt to send an alert) expires and will not be included in further attempts to send an aggregated alert. Yes
Type: Integer
Default: None
AuthenticationType The authentication the CloudBasic service will use when communicating with AWS SES. Yes
Type: String
Default: None
Valid value: Login, IAMRole
SesRegionEndpoint When the AuthenticationType=IAMRole, this attribute must contain the AWS SES Region Endpoint identifier. No
Type: String
Default: None
Server When the AuthenticationType=Login, this attribute must contain the AWS SES server. No
Type: String
Default: None
Port Please note that port 465 is not allowed for security reasons. Amazon SES supports 25 & 587. Yes
Type: Integer
Default: None
Username When the AuthenticationType=Login, this attribute must contain the user that the CloudBasic service will use to authenticate with the AWS SES service. No
Type: String
Default: None
Password When the AuthenticationType=Login, this attribute must contain the password that the CloudBasic service will use to authenticate with the AWS SES service. No
Type: String
Default: None
EnableSsl When the AuthenticationType=Login, controls whether SSL will be used when communicating with the AWS SES service. No
Type: String
Default: true
Valid value: true/ false
EmailFrom The email address that emails will be sent from.

Important: When integrating with Amazon SES, the email address or the email domain have to be verified in the SES console.

Type: String
Default: None
SupportSettings Contains setting that control the automatic delivery of system performance information to CloudBasic support.
SendErrorLogsToSupport When set to true, the system will automatically send a copy of the Error Logs to CloudBasic support. No
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
SendDatabaseSchemaToSupport When set to true, the system will automatically send a copy of the database schema to CloudBasic support. No
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
SendEventLogsToSupport When set to true, the system will automatically send a copy of the Event Logs to CloudBasic support. No
Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
AgreeToTerms When set to true, will indicate that the customer has accepted the CloudBasic Terms of Service.

Please note that if you pass false in this attribute, intentionally or by default, no information will be sent to CloudBasic support.

Type: String
Default: false
Valid value: true/ false
LogDeliveryMethod Specify the method to be used to deliver logs to CloudBasic support. No
Type: String
Default: None
Valid value: Email/ SupportAPI

Request Headers

This implementation uses only request headers that are common to all operations. For more information please see the section Common Request Headers

Response Syntax:

HTTP/1.1 200
status: 200

Response Parameters


Error Response Syntax:


HTTP/1.1 400
status: 400

   "errors": [
       "{ReplicationSettings\SerializeReplications}:Invalid value for SerializeReplications",
	   "{SupportSettings\SendErrorLogsToSupport}:Invalid value for SendErrorLogsToSupport",
	"requestId": 20


HTTP/1.1 400
status: 400

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Error> {ReplicationSettings\SerializeReplications}:Invalid value for SerializeReplications </Error> 
    <Error> {SupportSettings\SendErrorLogsToSupport}:Invalid value for SendErrorLogsToSupport </Error> 